Pig Trivia Quiz
This amazing animal quiz is far from boar-ing! These hogs are kind of a pig deal, so test your swine skills with this tricky trivia quiz!
Pigs are amazing animals! They're much more than just bacon - pigs are smart, sociable animals that have lived alongside humans for thousands of years. So read and test your knowledge of these spectacular swine!
Sooooooo----eeeeeeeee! It's pig time, quiz fans!

Pigs are smarter than dogs. True or false?

What do humans use pigs to hunt for?

Which of these is NOT a real breed of pig?

There are more pigs than humans in... which country?

Are pigs vegetarian?

Mangalitsa pigs are one of the few types that are hairy! Look at 'em! Where are they from?

Pigs are great swimmers! Where is there an island famous for swimming pigs?

Which of these things can pigs NOT do?

What is the proper latin name for pig?

There are loads of pig relatives! Which of these is not a real cousin of the pig?

Gah! Oh no! This result isn't your best work! You need to brush up on yoru knowledge of our porky pals, and quick! Have another go at this quiz and see if you can score a bit higher next time round! Good luck!

Not bad! This is a decent score - you know a godd amount about piggies! You didn't quite manage a high score though - do you know what went wrong? Have another go at this quiz and see if you can score higher next time!

Great result! You know loads about pigs! This is an amazing score - you're a pig expert! You almost got 10/10, so close! Do you think you can beat this almost-perfect score on a different animal quiz? We have loads more!

Amazing! You nailed this pig quiz! Great work - you got every single question correct! Wahoo! You can't top this high score - but you might be able to match it on a different quiz? We have loads more where this one came from!