Epic Puppy Quiz!
Test your puppy knowledge by taking this epic, yet adorable trivia quiz!
Are you ready?

Dalmatian puppies are born with spotted fur. True or false?

It is thought that the word puppy came from the French word poupeé, meaning doll or toy. True or false?

How many hours a day do puppies usually sleep?

A Neapolitan mastiff called Tia gave birth to the biggest litter on record in 2004. But how many puppies were there?

How long does it take for a puppy to develop its sense of smell?

How many teeth is a puppy born with?

At what age does a puppy become an adult dog?

How many puppies are born each day across the world?

Puppies can be born with a light green colour. True or false?

How long is a dog pregnant for?

Oh no! Better luck next time!

Good try! Why not have another go? You might get an even bigger score!

Great work! You know a fair bit about baby dogs. Or what we like to call, 'puppies'.

Wow! You must be a vet or something!