What Unicorn Am I? Quiz
Everyone is a unicorn in one way or another. But what unicorn are you? Find out with this quiz!
Are you ready? Let's go!
What's the first thing people notice about you?
What kind of takeaway do you prefer?
Who's your favourite pop star?
What's the best snack to get in the cinema?
How would you spend an afternoon in a big, grassy field?
What's the best thing you've ever seen on the internet?
Do you have long hair?
Are you into sparkly things?
Where do you like to hang out with your friends?
Do you love slime?
You're a Magi-corn!
You're happiest hanging around in a forest with your other unicorn mates and eat grass. And that's it, really. You apparently have magical powers, but we haven't seen it for ourselves yet.
You're a Rainbow Unicorn!
You're brightly coloured and have magical powers. You probably don't even need a password for Netflix. That's how magical you are! The downside is that you can't find clothes that won't clash with your rainbow style.
You're a Winged Unicorn!
You're a good friend to have, if you need a lift to the cinema or something. But don't sit in the front row, because your wings will block everyone's view.
You're a horse with an inflatable unicorn horn strapped to your forehead
Nice try. We could spot you a mile off.