Are You Ready For This Raphael TMNT Quiz?
Think you know the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles like the back of your foot? Take this epic quiz and test your Turtle powers!
There are four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and they’re all different - but let’s be honest: they’re all great at martial arts, they all like pizza, and they’re all… turtles. So it’s understandable that you might get them mixed up! Take this quiz to see if you can tell the difference! This one is all about Raphael!

Raphael is… what?

What weapon does he have?

What colour bandana does he have?

What do the other turtles call him for short?

Raphael is the youngest of the brothers. True or false?

Which of these sentences is true?

Which of these things does he want most?

Raphael is... what?

He was called Petingo in the original comics. True or false?

Raphael gets his name from a famous person. What did the original Raphael do?

Boo! Hiss! Oh dear! This score is a little disappointing. Do you know where you went wrong? Swot up on some TMNT facts and have another go! You'll definitely score higher next time!

Pretty good! Raphael isn't too pleased with this score but don't mind him - he's often pretty grumpy. This result is good but not amazing - have another go if you want to score higher the next time round!

YEAH! Now this is a score! Raphael is super impressed! Well done! You almost got 100%! You clearly know loads about TMNT - but if you want to score 10/10 you'll have to try a different movie quiz! Go on - we have loads more!

Wahoo! Great work! You did - this is the perfect score! Amazing - you know everything there is to know about Rapahel and his mutant turle brothers! Now - can you match this score on a different movie quiz?