Seriously Superior Splinter Quiz
The sensei of those reckless Turtles says it’s time to get serious - so what are you waiting for?
Ow! Is that a splinter in your finger? Oh wait no, it's a huge mutant kung-fu rat - of course... So here we are! With the best Splinter quiz the web has to offer! Do you think you're the expert, or will you be left in the sewer of knowledge? It's up to you, so let's stretch that brain of yours and see if you've got the skills to beat this Splinter quiz, it's all on you! don't let the turtles down!

What kind of animal is Splinter?

Does Splinter have facial hair?

What weapon does Splinter prefer?

Who is Splinter’s biggest enemy?

What does Splinter wear on his face?

Which fairytale character would Splinter be most afraid of?

Why doesn’t Splinter like humans?

What famous actor voices Splinter in the Seth Rogan film?

What TV shows does Splinter like the most?

What should you use to get rid of a splinter?

Oh no! Dang it! It looks like your knowledge of Splinter facts is coming up a bit short. 100% would be a whole log, but it looks like you've only got a little tiny shard of wood, or should we say, a splinter! (EDITOR - sorry about that joke!) But nothing happens overnight, everything takes practice, so why not have another go and see if you can get some of the answers? There's no point stopping now when you've got everything to gain and nothing to lose - so let's give it another try!

Nice! Now we're getting somewhere! You've done alright on this one, but we think that you've probably got a bit of extra quiz genius in the tank! Splinter and the rest of the team wouldn't settle for second or third best so why not have another go and see if you can ace this quiz! Splinter knows the value of practice, patience and commitment so keep that in mind - breathe deep, centre yourself and let's try again, you've got this!

Awesome! Let's go! You know almost everything that there is to know about Splinter! You should be proud of yourself, not very many people get this far, let alone with the scores that you've got! With knowledge like yours the fate of New York City is secure and whatever villains the world throws at you or your gang of kung-fu turtles you've definitely be able to deal with! Well probably... You've done really well, but you're not quite at 100% right? Have you got it in you to be the top Splinter expert? There's only one way to find out, so why not have another go? But if you're bored of rats, we've got loads of TMNT quizzes just waiting to be quizzed, why not check them out.

Pow! There it is! You’re the true Splinter know-it-all! There’s nothing about this furry Kung-fu Rat that you don’t know! You should be proud of yourself! But a true quiz legend doesn’t stop there! Why not see what other Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle quizzes we’ve got?! You can do it! Let’s keep this winning streak going!