The Ultimate Animal Anagrams Quiz!
Rearrange the letters to reveal the different kinds of animals in this awesome anagrams quiz!

What might HOLD PIN be?

Can you decipher HEN PLATE?

We're not keen on FEAR FIG – rearrange the letters to make a cute animal instead!

Oh look at THIS PUMA POOP. What is this an anagram of?

If you rearranged the letters in RAPTOR, what animal could it be?

Can you turn TYRES UK into a couple of animals?

An OAK ORGAN sounds very musical. But what animal is this anagram disguising?

Any idea about what TOES TRIO could be?

CHECK IN is clearly not a type of animal. But if you swapped the letters around, what might it be?

DISH GOLF sounds like a noisy sport. What is its much quieter anagram?

What on earth are MESH RATS? Try a different type of word...

We'd support a team made of SOCCER IDOLS. Do you know what it's an anagram of?

Oh no! Better luck next time!

Good try! Why not have another go soon?

Great work! You did well!

Wow! You're an anagram expert!