The Ultimate Jungle Quiz
Find out if you're the king of jungle trivia

The word 'jungle' comes from a Sanskrit word, but what does it mean?

Sloths live in jungles in Central and South America. Roughly how much time do sloths spend sleeping?

What percent of the worlds animals live in a jungle environment?

Parrots are the only birds that can eat with their feet, true or false?

What's the difference between a rain forest and a jungle?

Who wrote 'The Jungle Book'?

Where in the world do tigers live?

This is a Slow Loris. What sort of animal are they?

Yass! You're the Tarzan of quizzes!

Nice! You'e pretty clued up when it comes to jungle trivia! Well done!

Meh, you know a couple of facts about the jungle but you could do better! Have another go!

Uh oh, bad luck! Nevemind, you can always take the quiz again and try and beat your score!