Ultimate Turkey Trivia Quiz
You've seen them at Christmas - but how much do you really know about our feathered friends? Find out with this tricky turkey quiz!

Where are turkeys from originally?

What do you call a male turkey?

You can tell if a turkey is a boy or a girl by the shape of its poo. True or false?

Turkeys have excellent eyesight! True or false?

Why are turkeys called turkeys?

What's the weird red bit on a turkey called?

Can turkeys fly?

Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the national bird of the USA, but the bald eagle ended up winning instead. True or false?

How many stomachs do turkeys have?

Turkeys can be really dangerous. What should you do if one attacks you?

Hmmm - not really into turkeys? Well...fair enough... Try again?

Pretty good! But could maybe be a bit better too - try a different quiz?

Looking good! You know loads about turkeys!

Woah! High score over here! Turkey facts are clearly your hidden superpower!