Cat Quiz: Which Songs Are These Cats Singing?
Only a true cat lover will be able to guess what these cats are singing! Test yourself now!
Reckon you can get a purr-feat score?

What is this baby cat singing?

What is this pussycat singing?

What is this K-pop cat band singing?

What is this moaning cat singing?

What is this scared cat singing?

What is this sass cat singing?

What's this cat and dog duo singing? Cats and dogs are allowed to be friends OKAYYY!

What is this loved up cat belting out at Christmas?

What is this cat shouting about?!

What is this cat group singing about?

UH OH. Looks like you need some advice from Johnny Caravan! Try again!

Not too shabby - but you can do better! Have another go!

Well done! You're an animal mind reader!

Full marks! You're PAWsome!