What Bird Am I? Personality Quiz
Are you a pigeon, a toucan or something altogether more majestic? Take this bird personality quiz now and soar!
Which original tweeter are you?
What do you feel like doing today?
Do you have a mirror?
What's your favourite sauce?
Who's your best friend?
What's the best way to get around?
What's your favourite TV show?
What do you enjoy doing the most?
How do you like to spend a Saturday morning?
What are you like on aeroplanes?
What are you like during exams?
You are an: EAGLE
The boss of the skies. A majestic animal with a very pointy beak and amazing eyesight. Quite frightening, when you think about it.
You are a: BUDGIE
Everyone's got a budgie or knows someone who has. Stop looking in the mirror and doing something fun!
You are a: TOUCAN!
That's a big beak, isn't it. We bet it makes eating pizza from a short distance really easy!
You are a: PIGEON!
Fun fact: 10 billion pigeons will suddenly appear if you start sprinkling seeds in the middle of London!