What Kind of Fish Am I?
What is the meaning of life? You won’t find the answer to the ultimate question in this quiz but you will discover what kind of fish you are. That’s something at least, right?

Hello. Where do you think you’re going?

Shouldn’t you be in school or something?

I’m starving. What's for lunch?

Going anywhere on holiday this year?

How do you chill?

I’m bored. Fancy doing some sport?

I’m tired after all that sport. You?

We could watch a film?

Nearly done. Have you enjoyed this quiz?

You’re a Shark
Yes. A shark is a fish before you ask. You are the king of sea. Like a shark you’re tough, ruthless and have incredibly bad table manners.

You're a Clown Fish
Like a clown fish you’re friendly and kind. You might be a little bit shy, but so what if you don’t want to be the coolest fish in the school? You love hanging out with your friends and, best of all, they love hanging out with you!

You’re a Flying Fish
Fish can’t fly they said. The flying fish proved them wrong. You won’t listen to the nay-sayers either. There’s nothing you can’t do when you put your mind to it.

You're an Angler Fish
Like the angler fish you're happiest in the dark with only a tiny light for company. The angler fish uses it to catch his prey but as there are no prawns in your bedroom (hopefully) you use it to read under the covers. Apart from that you’re identical though.