What Warrior Cat Are You? Quiz
Which Warrior Cat are you? Are you more like Lionblaze or Twigbranch? What about Bramblestar or Squirrelflight? Take the quiz and find out now!
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Rarest AnswerYou Are: Lionblaze!
Will you get a purr-fect score?
How many lives do you think you have?
If you had to be a dog, what sort would you be?
Pick a delicious fish
What's your yowl like?
Tell the truth; have you ever chased your tail?
Are you a master of disguise?
Are you easily startled?
Are you able to play any musical instrument?
Are you good at hiding?
Are you a skilled hunter?
Are you sure you're good at hiding?
What sports do you enjoy watching with your friends?
Who is your favourite Star Wars character?
You find a box in the living room. What do you do?
Are you a fan of gadgets?
You are: Lionblaze!
You're proud, determined and loyal – a good friend to have!
You are: Twigbranch!
You're caring, hardworking and can be a bit silly!
You are: Bramblestar!
You're very careful and know right from wrong, but can be tempted by mischief!
You are: Squirrelflight!
You're feisty, expressive and a bit scrappy!