Which Olivia The Cat Are You?
Taylor Swift doesn't know what a cat is
She had to ask Olivia a bunch of questions to find out!

Now it's your turn! What kind of Olivia could you be?

Have you got really long teeth and hang out with cavemen?

Are you a grumpy X-Man in a nappy?

Is your popstar mum the queen of Meow-Town?

Are you made of snow and slowly turning into water?

Are you pretty much asleep right now?

How pointy is your head?

What is a Pegasus?

Instagram | taylorswift
Finally, do you want to write some songs?

You are Saber-Toothed Tiger Cub Olivia!
Look at the isle cute cat with his big tee- AAAARGH!

You are Baby Wolverine Olivia!
A hairy mutant rebel with adamantium claws! Or a wolf thing from Canada.

You Princess Of Meow-Town Olivia!
All the other cats bow down to your sweet sass!

You are Melting Snowman Olivia!
…soon to be Puddle Olivia if it ever gets sunny again

You are Sloth Olivia!

You are Unicorn Olivia!
Such Majesty! Such Grace! Such a horn coming out of your face!

You are cMagical Pegasus Olivia!