Which Presidential Pet Would You Have?
Life in the White House can be lonely, but which furry sidekick would you have with you?
When it comes to making big important decisions, sometimes it helps to look deep into the dark eyes of a duck and ask them! Dogs are famously good at listening too, so long as they get a snack, so it’s no wonder Presidents have always had pets - but which of them would you have?! Why not find out for yourself which furry or feathered companion you’d have on your journey to world domination?!

There isn’t any dog food left, what do you do?

What is your favourite sport from this list?

What is your favourite vegetable from this list?

What do you look for in a pet?

You’re lost in the White House, what do you do?

Your limousine has broken down, what do you do?

What musical instrument would you love to be able to play?

Where do you go first on a trip to the zoo?

There’s been a power cut, what do you do?

What do you do first in the morning?

Theodore Roosevelt's badger!
Roosevelt was an interesting President, he studied birds, practiced Jiu Jitsu and liked to lift weights - but he also had a whole load of pets! While he was in the White House he kept snakes, dogs, cats and some guinea pigs, whether they were allowed to make decisions isn’t known - but it’s fun to think so! You’re the kind of person that loves animals, whatever their size, shape or snarling teeth - so maybe you’ve got more in common with past Presidents than you think! But if you had to have one of Theodore's pets, it probably would've been his pet Badger! Yes, that's right!

Bill Clinton's cat!
When Bill Clinton came to be the President in 1991 he came to the White House with a pet cat called Socks! This little cat made it into newspapers and across the TV, but after a tough news day, who doesn’t want to see a furry little cat. Now we all know that cats like to mind their own business, so maybe that’s why you’ve gotten this result, you don’t like sticking your nose in where it isn’t needed and are happy keeping yourself to yourself! Maybe you’d make a great President!?

Warren G Harding’s dog!
Warren G Harding was the President of the United States in 1921 and was the first ever President to have a public pet. His dog was an Airedale Terrier called Laddie Boy, they were the best of friends and whenever the President missed a shot while playing golf, Laddie Boy would faithfully go and fetch the ball for him. Maybe that’s why you got this result, because like Laddie Boy, you always stick with your friends, and sure, maybe help them out once in a while! Nice!

The Obama’s dog!
Before Barack Obama became President, they didn’t have a pet, but when the family moved into the White House they ended up with a Portuguese Water-dog. Their hunt for a furry friend was tricky, they wanted it to come from a shelter, and one of Barack’s daughters is allergic to dogs so they had to choose carefully. Soon enough they had a dog called Bo, and this dog instantly became famous! You’ve probably gotten this result because you’re the kind of person that likes to give people, like animals, a second chance! If you had to have a dog, it would have to come from a shelter right?