Try This Fur-bulous Wish Animal Quiz!
Think you know all the animals in this epic Disney movie? Test yourself with this all-singing all-dancing quiz creature feature!
Wish is an amazing movie that somehow manages to fit all the best bits of Disney into one film - and that includes a lot of singing animals! There's the star of the show, Valentino - but there's a whole barn full of other creatures that help out too! Do you know them all? Test your knowledge of the animals in the Disney movie Wish with this amazing movie quiz!
Ready to see if this quiz's bark is worse than it's bite? Then let's get going!

Valentino is a... what?

Who made Valentino's pyjamas?

Which of these animals is NOT in Wish?

Who makes this chicken so big?

The person who plays the voice of the Stag is called Woody Buck. True or false?

One of the people who made Wish is Fawn Veerasunthorn, a great Thai director. What kind of animal is a fawn?

Which animals sing for Valentino?

Which small furry animal does a drum solo on some toad stools?

Who "eats the leaves that eat the sun?"

Which animal floats down the river with a flower on their head?

Gasp! Oh dear! This result isn't the one you were wishing for! Unlucky! You'd better watch the movie again and come back to see if you can beat this score! Don't fancy it? Don't worry - we have lots more movie quizzes for you to try!

Pretty good! This is a decent score! Nicely done! You clealry know a few things about teh animals in this movie! This score could still be a bit better though - fancy another go? If not we have lots of other quizzes to try!

Yahoo! Great work! This is a really good score! Your wish for a good score has come true! You almost got full marks, so well done! Do you think you can beat this score and get a full house on a different movie quiz? Let's find out!

Perfect! It's a full house! Amazing work! You know all about Valentino and the singing bunnies and chickens. Well done - you can't beat this score, but can you match it on a harder quiz? We have lots more to try! Fancy it?