Test Your Quirks With This Heroic Deku Quiz!
How much do you know about this unlikely anime superhero? Try this high-quality quirkless quiz to test your Deku knowledge!
Are you a fan of Deku and the rest of class 1-A? There's a lot more to this hilarious superhero show than you might think! Test your knowledge of Deku, quirks, pro-heroes and more in this awesome anime quiz! Ready to see how your skills stack up?
Let's get going!

Let's start off easy! What is Deku from?

What's Deku's real name?

Toru Hagakure is... what?

My Hero Academia is... what?

Deku was born "quirkless". What does that mean?

Where does Deku go to school?

Deku is... what?

Which pro hero takes a liking to Deku?

Who's cape does Deku wear?

What colour eyes has Deku got?

Yikes! Well this isn't your best quiz score ever! You know a few things about Deku and My Hero Academia but looks like you should go back through and have another go! Let's see if you can score a bit higher next time!

Pretty good! Deku is impressed - but we've seen better scores! Do you know where you went wrong? Have another go and see if you can beat this score next round! If not, we have plenty of other anime and manga quizzes for you to try!

YEAH! Amazing! Well done - this a great score! You only got 1 or 2 wrong - do you know which ones? Now this score is very impressive and clearly you know loads about Deku - but can you beat this score on a different quiz? Have a go at a different one and find out!

Woah! Great work! Amazing - this is the perfect score! You know loads about Deku and his pals at My Hero Academia! You can't improve on this score - but can you match it on a diefferent anime or manga quiz? We have loads more!