This Digimon Crest Quiz Is The Best of The Best!
Do you know everything there is to know about these powerful Digimon symbols? Take this quiz to find out!
Anyone who's seen Digimon (that includes you, right?) will know how important crests are. These awesome symbols are a big part of the storyline and get our heroes out of all kinds of trouble. But how well do you really know them? How many are there? Where do they come from? Answer these questions and more to really test your knowledge of Digimon crests!
Let's go, Digimon fans!

What do crests do?

Which crest has a sun picture on the front?

Which crest has a shooting star on it?

How many crests are there in total, in the main series?

How are crests usually stored?

There are 2 more crests in a spin-off show. What are these ones?

The emblem of the Crest of Knowledge is a... what?

What crest does Sora have?

Which crest was found in the flower of a desert cactus?

Why did the Digimon Emperor want the Crest of Kindness?

Nooooo! Oh dear. This is not your best work. Fancy having another go to see if you can score a bit higher the next time round? Go on! And if you don't fancy it, we have plenty more TV show quizzes where this one came from!

Not bad at all! Most Digimon will have seen worse. You did miss a few right answers but mever mind. If you fancy another go though we bet you could score even higher! And we've got plenty more TV show quizzes for you to try if you've had enough Digimon!

Wahoo! Great work! You really know your stuff! This is an excellent score! In fact, it's almost 100%! You didn't quite manage to get full marks, but hey ho! Can you beat this score on another Digimon quiz? Or how about a Pokemon one? We've got loads more to try!

Amazing! Full marks! Fantastic! You know loads about Digimon! well done. Now, you can't do better than this score so no point having another go, but why not try a different TV show quiz? We have loooooads more for you to try!