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Spirited Away Quiz for Real Ghibli Superfans!

We all love Spirited Away, it's one of the most beautiful of all the Studio Ghibli films - but how much do you know about it? Can you tell the difference between a magical frog and a Stink God? Find out here once and for all!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Are you ready to test your knowledge of Chihiro and her journey through the magical spirit world of Studio Ghibli? Do you know everything there is to know about Haku and his transformation into a huge flying dragon? It's about time you put your skills to the test - so let's get down to it and explore this wonderful world!


Is Chihiro a boy or a girl?


Name this creature...


Where was Spirited Away made?


Where does Chihiro work?


What animal does Haku turn into?


What does the witch take from Chihiro?


What are Chihiro's parents turned into?


Why do Chihiro's parents change shape?

Studio Ghibli | Toshio Suzuki | Hayao Miyazaki

What was the 'Stink God'?

Studio Ghibli | Toshio Suzuki | Hayao Miyazaki

Who directed Spirited Away?

Studio Ghibli | Toshio Suzuki | Hayao Miyazaki

OK! You could probably do with re-watching this amazing film if you want to improve your score, but you had a good effort, and that's what counts! Let's hope your parents have turned back into humans by now!

Studio Ghibli | Toshio Suzuki | Hayao Miyazaki

Not bad at all! You definitely know your way around a magical bath-house! Your knowledge of Spirited Away is definitely not be to messed with - you should be very proud!

Studio Ghibli | Toshio Suzuki | Hayao Miyazaki

Excellent! Great knowledge of the film! You know almost everything there is to know about Chihiro and her journey through the Spirit world. There isn't much room for improvement here, but remember if you want to get full marks you can always try again.

Studio Ghibli | Toshio Suzuki | Hayao Miyazaki

Wow! You got full marks! You should be really pleased with yourself! You know everything there is to know about Spirited Away, you're the real expert! So if your parents ever DO get turned into pigs, you'll know exactly what to do!