The Ultimate My Hero Academia Quiz
Test your knowledge of My Hero Academia with our ultimate quiz!
U.A. High School is an academy where students learn and train to become what?
2/10 In which country is My Hero Academia set?
What is a quirk?
Before training from All Might what set Izuku apart from his fellow Hero Academia pupils
What is Red Riots quirk?
6/10 More importantly, how long does Red Riots hair gel take to set?
What is Hero Killer: Stains' grim quirk?
What quirk does All Might gift to Izuku?
What is Mount Lady's Quirk?
Who are these guys? Clue: They run the Beast’s Forest
Bad Score! As All Might would say: "If you feel yourself hitting up against your limit remember for what cause you clench your fists” or something.
Medium Score! As All Might would say: "Whether you win or lose... You can always come out ahead by learning from the experience.”
Top Score! As All Might would say: "You can become a hero!”