Which Avatar: The Last Airbender Character Are You?
Which Avatar character are you? Find out with this awesome quiz!
Which Avatar Character Are You?

Pick a breakfast:

And for lunch?

Ok, now dinner!

@conwaychamber | giphy
Last food question! What about pudding?

Do you get car sick?

Pick an element:

Pick a crystal

What do you value most in a friend?

Pick a Star Wars character

Pick a chocolate bar

Pick a country

Avatar The last Airbender | Nickelodeon Animation Studio | Nickelodeon CBS
What would you do if you could bend water?

Pick a member of BTS

Avatar The last Airbender | Nickelodeon Animation Studio | Nickelodeon CBS
You're Sokka! You may have a hard outer shell, but you're a big softy really!

Avatar The last Airbender | Nickelodeon Animation Studio | Nickelodeon CBS
You're Aang! You're one of a kind and you always look out for your friends

Avatar The last Airbender | Nickelodeon Animation Studio | Nickelodeon CBS
Toph Beifong!
You're Toph Beifong! You're super skilled and one nothing limits you!

Avatar The last Airbender | Nickelodeon Animation Studio | Nickelodeon CBS
You're Katara! You're smart, skilled and you don't put up with anything!