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Which Little Witch Academia Character Are You?

Find out which character from Little Witch Academia you are with our Which Little Witch Academia Character Are You? Quiz!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Imagine going to an international school for witches! That’s exactly what Little Witch Academia is! Have you ever wondered which one of the awesome characters in Little Witch Academia are you most like? Well now you can find out with our Little Witch Academia Character Quiz!


What’s your favourite subject at School?

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What’s your favourite subject at Little Witch Academia


Which one of these words describes you best?


Which one of these words describes you best?

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Have you ever stolen biscuits from a biscuit tin?

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6/10 What’s your favourite colour?

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7/10 Pick a country…

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Pick a magical item

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9/10 What is your favourite grey animal?

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How do you get to school?

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Just like Akko you’re cheerful, optimistic and very excitable! Wherever you go you bring a magic ray of metaphorical sunshine!


You’re Amanda. You’re a good friend but lets not forget to mention your rebellious side and your occasional drifting to minor naughtiness. Still, you wouldn’t be you without your dangerous side!


You’re so laid back you’re practically asleep! That doesn’t mean you’re not always on hand with a sarcastic remark just exactly when it’s needed!


You’re Lotte. You’re shy and calm. Maybe -just like Lotte - this unassuming exterior hides a magical secret talent? We wonder what it is?