Do You Prefer The Harry Potter Books or Movies?
Are you a bookworm or a film buff? Find out here!
You're a total Potterhead, but do you know whether you're more of a book or a movie person? Have you read every HP book a billion times, or do you only know the movie versions? Not to worry - with our magical personality quiz you can find out which one aligns with your personality! Don't forget our other Potter quizzes - find out what % Gryffindor you are, your Potter soulmate, or figure out which of the movies you should watch right now!

Let's start out easy - do you usually prefer books or films?

Which class is better?

Who's the more interesting character in Goblet of Fire?

Remember when Hagrid went to see the giants?

Do you reckon you could pass your apparition test?

Do you like Kreacher?

Pick a house to live in

Pick a potion

Would you rather...

What's the saddest part of the whole HP story?

You're a big fan of the Harry Potter books! Your knowledge of the world is really deep and you know the lore really well. You're probably a big reader in general as well.

You're more of a movie buff! You like the visuals that go with the story, and you probably own a visual guide to the films! Maybe you've got a career in filmmaking ahead of you!