Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel Quiz
How much do you know about Jeff Kinney’s masterpiece Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel?
Knock knock! Who’s there? Uncle. Uncle Who? Uncle Gary! If you know who an Earth we’re talking about, you’ve almost certainly read the awesome masterpiece that is Jeff Kinney’s Diary of Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel. If you want to find out if you’re King of the school dance or contaminated with Cheese Touch, then do this quiz! Right now. Don’t delay. At once. Stop reading this bit and answer the questions!

Jeff Kinney writes Diary of a Wimpy Kid but who draws the pictures?

What (apparently) lead to Greg being born prematurely?

Who’s the unexpected house guest in Diary of a wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel?

What does Greg sign Rowley up for?

What should the school dance have been?
6/10 Who does Greg want to go to the dance with?

What group takes over the dance and ruins it?

What illness does Greg have at the end of the book?

How much does Uncle Gary win from the local lottery?

Which number in the series of Wimpy Kid books is The Third Wheel? (To answer this question you are allowed to consult your bookshelf if you own the book)

You’ve got the Cheese Touch! You’ve probably never even read a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book! Take some advice from Uncle Gary. Go to the library and borrow one. FOR FREE!

Not Bad At All! You haven’t brought shame to your family but you didn’t score high enough to persuade anybody to go with you to the school dance. NOT EVEN UNCLE GARY

GREAT SCORE! You’re a Wimpy Kid Expert which should be enough to persuade someone to go with you to the school dance! Have another go to see if you can get the maximum score and become the KING OF THE DANCE!

KING OF THE DANCE! You’re the King of the Dance. As you enter a crowd gathers round to watch your awesome moves. Basically you’re the coolest kid in school and possibly the world. EPIC LEVEL QUIZZING!