Ultimate Dork Diaries Characters Quiz!
How much do you know about the people in the Dork Diaries universe? Take this quiz and find out now!

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
Who is the main character of the Dork Diaries?

Dork Diaries | Rachel Renée Russell | Simon & Schuster UK
What is her enemy called?

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
Who does Nikki have a crush on?

Dork Diaries | Rachel Renée Russell | Simon & Schuster UK
What is Nikki's little sister called?

There's one particular subject at school that Nikki doesn't enjoy. What is it?

Dork Diaries | Rachel Renée Russell | Simon & Schuster UK
What's Nikki's best friend called?

The Dork Diaries details Nikki's life and what it's like to attend her new school. Where does she study?

Dork Diaries | Rachel Renée Russell | Simon & Schuster UK
Zoey Franklin is Nikki's other best friend. What does she think she's an expert at?

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
Jessica Hunter's last name was revealed in which book?

Dork Diaries | Rachel Renée Russell | Simon & Schuster UK
What is Theodore L. Swagmire III's biggest ambition?

Dork Diaries | Rachel Renée Russell | Simon & Schuster UK
Oh no! Better luck next time!

Dork Diaries | Rachel Renée Russell | Simon & Schuster UK
Good try! Maybe if you had another go, you might get an even bigger score!

Dork Diaries | Rachel Renée Russell | Simon & Schuster UK
Great stuff! You're a keen fan of the Dork Diaries series, aren't you?

Wow! You're either a Dork Diaries expert or Nikki Maxwell herself!