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Can You Win the Harry Potter House Cup Quiz?

Will it be 10 points to Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin or Ravenclaw? Let's find out with these Harry Potter House Cup subject questions! Take this quiz to discover your Hogwarts house!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

It's the end of the year at Hogwarts and you're so close to winning 100 house points! But will it be Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin or Ravenclaw who win the ultimate prize? Can you win the house cup with this Harry Potter trivia quiz? Answer some Hogwarts questions for your end of year exam and see if you can get points for your house!

And if that's not enough, we've got a tonne more Harry Potter quizzes right here! How about this plot twists quiz (watch out for spoilers!)? Or maybe you think you're ready for this Harry Potter Mythology quiz or Harry Potter House Quiz? And we've even got a Harry Potter Fashion Quiz if you think you're stylish enough!


Potions Exams! What ingredient can save you from most poisons?


Charms next! What's the name of the charm that can summon objects?


Let's head to Care of Magical Creatures! What should you do if you want to gain a Hippogriff's trust?


We're due in the Herbology greenhouse! What's bubotuber pus used for?


Quick, we're late for astronomy! What is Europa covered in?


It's time for Divination! Which of these is a way of telling the future?


Transfiguration next! What have you learned to turn a teapot into this year?


Time for History of Magic (Yawn!) Which of these have you covered in class?


Nearly done, it's Muggle Studies now! How do muggles heat up water?


Finally, an all-rounder! What's the motto of Hogwarts?

Nooo! You've failed your exams and therefore you failed to win the house cup! Never mind, Hogwarts has very kindly agreed to let you retake them! Good luck, you can do it this time!

5 points to you! You only got a few exam questions right and an 'E' mark, but don't worry! Retake the quiz and see if you can win the cup!

50 points to you! You did really well in your exams and you helped your house inch closer to winning that cup! But can you get 100% next time? Let's find out!

100 points to you! You've aced your exams and you've brought the house cup home to your house! Everyone loves you and you deserve a some cauldron cakes and a snooze by the lake after all that hard work!

Woah! Where do you think you're going? There's a wealth of wizarding wonder to explore so don't leave so soon! Or at least, not before taking our Harry Potter House Quiz: Which Hogwarts House Will You Be Put Into? Make haste, for the Sorting Hat will reveal all!