The Ultimate Ilvermorny House Quiz!
Take this quiz and find out which Ilvermorny house you belong to!
Take our quiz to find out which Ilvermorny house you would be in!
Just like at Hogwarts, there are four houses at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in North America.
The houses are: Horned Serpent, Wampus, Pukwudgie and Thunderbird. Which one do you belong to? Find out now!
Let's do this! Take the Ilvermorny house test now!

What's your dream job?

What's your patronus?

What's the worst pizza topping you can think of?

What's your favourite lesson?

What's the best name to give a pet?

What's the best Disney song to sing?

What's the best spell?

What colour socks are you wearing right now?

There's a massive storm. How do you keep dry?

Who's your favourite wizard?

Your house is: Horned Serpent!
The Horned Serpent house is supposed to symbolise the mind of a wizard or a witch – and love a bit of homework, probably.

Your house is: Wampus!
The Wampus house is represented by a cat-like animal. We prefer this little kitten!

Your house is: Thunderbird!
This house represents the fearless soul of a wizard or a witch!

Your house is: Pukwudgie!
This house is the most caring of the Ilvermorny set and represents the heart and healing. Handy to have around if you stand on some Lego.