What Percentage Slytherin Are You?
Are you the sort of person the Sorting Hat would send straight into Slytherin House? Take the quiz and find out!
Good luck!

Who's your best mate at Hogwarts?

What's your favourite subject?

Which professor do you like the most?

What is your Patronus?
5/10 Which House would you expect to belong to?

What Muggle job would you do?

How would your friends describe you?

What's your favourite colour?

How do you style your hair?

331Erock | YouTube
What sort of music do you like to listen to?

You are: 0% Slytherin!
Not even close! You're just too nice!

You are: 10% Slytherin!
Even though you're kind and funny, there's something about you that would suit a Slytherin student! Hmm...

You are: 95% Slytherin!
There's absolutely no doubt that you belong to Slytherin! Must be the hair and the permanent sneer!

You are: 100% Slytherin!
Is it us or did it get really cold all of a sudden?