Pick A Fave Harry Potter Character and We'll Tell You Your Fave Percy Jackson Character!
We bet you didn't know that your favourite Harry Potter character can reveal a LOT about your favourite Percy Jackson character! Take the quiz and see for yourself!
That's right - if you tell us your favourite Harry Potter characters, we can make an educated guess about who your fave Percy Jackson character might be! Don't believe us? Give it a go - you might be surprised! Check out some of our other quizzes, too - find out which Camp Halfblood cabin you belong in, or which Hogwarts house you'd be sorted into!

Let's start off easy! Pick your favourite character from the trio!

Now, pick a Weasley sibling!

Time to get scary - pick a villain!

Choose a Gryffindor!

Which Hogwarts teacher do you want teaching your class?

Now choose a member of the Order of the Phoenix!

Pick a minor villain!

Pick a Triwizard champion!

Which House founder is your favourite?

And finally, choose a Potterverse creature!

Percy is your favourite character! You're the kind of person who always takes the lead and will never leave your friends behind - and your choice in characters reflects that!

Annabeth is your favourite character! You love smart characters who know their own minds, and just like her you value hard work, cool intellect, and knowing your way around a weapon!

Grover is your favourite character! You're both kind and sensitive, and a friend to everyone - which is why you like him so much!

Sally Jackson!
Your favourite character is Sally, Percy's mum! She's Percy's first mentor after all, and she's selfless, hardworking and totally awesome when it comes to protecting her son!