Sorting Hat Obscure Trivia Quiz
It’s one of the most important magical items in the whole Potterverse – but how much do you know about the Sorting Hat?
The Sorting Hat is one of the most important items in the wizarding world – it’s what sorts out a Gryffindor from a Slytherin, after all! This quiz will sort the Potter diehards from the casual fans – which category will you be in? Don’t forget to try our other Potter quizzes when you’re done – see if you can get full marks in this hard-mode Hermione quiz, or try the ultimate Potter trivia quiz!

What is the Sorting Hat's job?

Which of the Founders originally owned the Hat?

What does the Sorting Hat do at every Sorting Ceremony?

Where is the Hat's mouth?

How long does it take the Sorting Hat to sort a student?

How does the hat decide where to put a student?

What kind of magic does the hat use?

Which magical artefact does the hat bring to Harry in The Chamber of Secrets?

How long did the hat take to sort Draco Malfoy?

True or false: The Sorting Hat was not in the original first draft of the Philosopher's Stone?

Oh no! Looks like you need to re-read the books and learn some more about the Hat! Hey, it's okay – it WAS tricky quiz, and there's always time to come back and try again!

Not bad! You know a little about the Sorting Hat – though you still need to reach deep to get the really obscure trivia! Why not have another go and see if you can bring your score up?

Very good! You know a lot about the Sorting Hat – more than most people do! Well done! Next time, you're bound to get a perfect score!

A perfect score – how magical! No one knows more about the Sorting Hat than you – you're a true Potter expert!