The Battle for Bash Street Character Quiz
Which one of the Battle For Bash Street characters are you? Hope it's not a teacher! Take the quiz inspired by this awesome new book and find out now!

How many pranks have you pulled in the last month?

How well do you get on with authority figures?

What's your favourite school subject?

Favourite method of travel?

How many detentions have you had in the last month?

Ideal breakfast?

How much do you care about awards?

Have you done your homework?

Which of these is the worst punishment?

If you were part-robot, what powers would you want?

If you fell into a weird hole, what would you want to find in it?

If you ran a school, what would the motto be?

You're super smart with a wicked sense of humour! You love to embarrass people with your quick wit, but you're also a loyal friend!

You're Dennis! You're the chief of pranking! You love chaos and mischief, but you've got a good heart and you care about your friends!

Mrs. Clamp
Uh oh, you're Mrs. Clamp! You love authority, homework and following the rules! Sorry!

You're Pieface! You love your friends, pranks and pie!