The Day We Got Uploaded Trivia Quiz!
How much were you paying attention why reading the latest Boomic from Beano? This quiz will test your brain to the limit!
The Day We Got Uploaded is the latest boomic – a book and a comic mashed together – and it's a choose-your-own-adventure! Rubi has invented a virtual-reality video game, which sucks you into the game itself. But things don’t go to plan when the game is hacked and you’re forced to play to new rules! This quiz will test how much you've remembered from the pages of mayhem! Are you ready? Then let's go!

What's the name of the game that Rubi has invented?

What flavour pie does Pie Face create?

Whose face appears on a big screen in the town square?

What do the gang have to find to rescue Gnasher?

What title does Walter give himself?

Which of the following places does NOT appear on Walter's map?

Which building is found in the Zombie Zone?

Where is Vibes Village?

What does Dennis wave at a creature in the Dino District?

Professor Von Screwtop makes a batch of what dish for everyone?

Oh no! Your mind must have been wiped by Rubi because the score wasn't that great. Why not try again?

Good try! You remembered some vital details but not to worry – there's a lot happening in the latest boomic! Why not have another go?

Great stuff! You were really paying attention, weren't you? You just missed out on a perfect score!

Wow! You must have read this book lots to get a perfect score. W