20 Question Beauxbatons Houses Quiz!
Which Beauxbaton's house do you belong to? Take our ultimate quiz all about the Wizarding world and find out whether you belong in Bellefeuille, Papillonlisse or Ombrelune!
Beauxbaton's Academy has three houses - but which one do you belong to? Take this magical quiz and find out where you belong! Will you be a Bellefeuille, a Papillonlisse or an Omrelune? It's all down to you! Good luck! And we've got more sorting quizzes here, an ultimate Hagrid quiz here and even more Harry Potter quizzes here!

Choose a member of the order of the Phoenix

Choose a city in France

Choose a mythical French animal

Choose a French dish

How good are you at potions?

Choose a famous French muggle

Choose a Hogwarts house

Choose a wizarding career

Choose an Ilvermorny house

Who would you support at the Quidditch world cup?

How good are you at charms?

Choose a motto

Choose an animal

Choose a female villain

Choose a flower

What would you rather be?

How athletic are you?
18/20 Choose a colour scheme

Choose a character

Choose a symbol

You're in Bellefeuille! Bellefeuille house colours are soft green and white, and the house symbol is a leaf. Your house motto is; 'Don't worry about what can be done today when there is always tomorrow.' Pupils in this house are typically sensitive, book smart and hard working. You're also a realist who uses logic, and are skilled with your hands!

You're in Papillonlisse! Papillonlisse house colours are purple and blue, and the house symbol is a butterfly. The house motto is 'No day but today'. Pupils in this house are naturally artistic and creative, and value beauty highly. They can sometimes have their heads in the clouds, but they also bring passion and devotion to their work.

You're in Ombrelune! Ombrelune house colours are grey and navy, and the house symbol is a moon. Your house motto is 'The end justifies the means.' Ombrelune pupils are characteristically cunning, clever and have a passion for learning. They are considered quite ambitious and have a passion for learning.