20 Question Hufflepuff Quiz!
How much do you know about this Hogwarts house? Take the quiz and find out!
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Which animal is featured on the Hufflepuff house badge?

What are Hufflepuff's house colours?

What is the name of the Hufflepuff house founder?

According to the books, what colour hair did she have?

Who is the head of the Hufflepuff house?

What qualities are Hufflepuff students said to possess?

What does the Sorting Hat say of Hufflepuff members?

What is the name of the Hufflepuff resident ghost?

Which Quidditch position did their captain Cedric Diggory play?

True or false: Hufflepuff is author J.K. Rowling's favourite house?

Where in Hogwarts is the Hufflepuff common room?

Where was Helga Hufflepuff’s golden chalice kept?

According to J.K. Rowling, which animal did she almost choose to represent the Hufflepuff house?

Which of the following people are not in Hufflepuff house?

True or false: Filius Flitwick was once head of Hufflepuff house

Eglantine Puffett was the inventor of what?

True or false: Harry Potter has never been inside the Hufflepuff common room

What happens to people if they enter the Hufflepuff common room when they're not supposed to?

What does Pomona Sprout teach?

In which film does Hufflepuffer Newt Scamander appear?

Oh dear! Someone hasn't been paying attention to the Harry Potter saga. Have another go!

Good effort! Why not watch all the films, read all the books and have another go!

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Awesome! With all the hard work you've put into this quiz, you're definitely Hufflepuff material!