The Ultimate Severus Snape Quote Quiz!
How much of what Snape's said have you remembered? Or did you fall asleep in class? Take our ultimate Snape quote quiz and see if you impress the potions master!

Who does Snape call 'An insufferable know it all?'

Who does Snape say 'always' about?

In which book does Snape say; 'I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death — if you aren’t as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach.'?

Who calls Snape a 'Slimeball'?

Who is Snape talking to when he says 'I have spied for you and lied for you, put myself in mortal danger for you'?

When does Snape say 'The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure.'?

Who does Snape say this to: 'Yes, It Is Easy To See That Nearly Six Years Of Magical Education Have Not Been Wasted On You'?

Who is Snape talking about here; 'I Have Deceived One Of The Greatest Wizards Of All Time'?

'You Dare Use My Own Spells Against Me, Potter? It Was I Who Invented Them. I, The ...'?

'I see no difference' - what's Snape referring to here?

Who does Snape kill when he says 'Avada Kedavra!'?

In which book does Snape say 'Don't call me a coward!'?

Magical! You know everything there is to know about Snape! Which is, er, a good thing? Right?

Well done, you've been paying attention! Snape is as close to impressed as it's possible for him to get

Sloppy work, Snape is not impressed. Try again and see if you score higher!

Uh oh, Snape's on the war path! You haven't remembered anything he's said! Try again and see if you improve!