Ultimate MacKenzie Hollister Quiz!
Are you a true Dork Diaries devotee? Take the quiz and let's see how much you know about mean girl MacKenzie Hollister!

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
How does Nikki Maxwell describe MacKenzie Hollister?

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
What is the name of one of the lip-glosses that MacKenzie Hollister is addicted to?

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
How does MacKenzie Hollister describe her complexion?

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
What words does MacKenzie Hollister write on Nikki Maxwell’s locker, in lipgloss?

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
MacKenzie Hollister is a leader of the CCP’s - what does that stand for?

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
Who does MacKenzie Hollister have a crush on?

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
MacKenzie Hollister was once bullied because of a viral video of her freaking out with what in her hair?

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
Which of the following things has MacKenzie Hollister NOT said?

Who used to be MacKenzie Hollister’s best friend?

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
How does Nikki Maxwell describe MacKenzie Hollister’s walk?

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
Amazing! You didn't get a single question wrong... a true Dork Diaries fan, you've sashayed your way to a perfect score! Well done!

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
Pretty good! You're certainly clued up on your mean girls... a very respectable result! Well done!

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
Not so hot! While not the worst result and you certainly are familiar with Mackenzie... you could do better! Why not retake the quiz and try again?

SimonSchusterUK | YouTube
Oh dear! Not the greatest result... you may need to sashay back to the Dork Diaries and brush up on your trivia! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?