What’s Your Patronus Core?
What kind of memory drives your Patronus? Take this epic wizarding quiz and find out what's behind your Patronus!
Your Patronus is a kind of magic force that can protect you against dementors. Sometimes it's just a wispy bit of mist, other times it takes the shape of an animal. But whatever shape your Patronus is, you call one by remembering an important memory in your life. So what kind of memory would create your patronus? Take this quiz and find out!

Pick a Harry Potter character!

What's your favourite part of the school week?

Now pick a mythical animal!

How do you summon your patronus?

Who do you think has the coolest Patronus?

Which house would you rather be in?

Choose a wizarding class to go to!

What would you rather nibble on?

Look into the orb. What do you see?

What position would you play in Quidditch?

A happy birthday!
The important memory that gives your Patronus it's power is a really happy one! It's a birthday party or celebration - maybe spent with friends or family? It's memories like this that make for a powerful patronus! Not sure about this one? No problem - just take this quiz again and we'll see what you get next time!

A winning achievement!
The memory that gives your Patronus power is a time when you won a competition - maybe a football match, a game or some kind of challenge? Maybe you just did something that you didn't think you could before you tried. Whatever it was, your patronus is a powerful one! Not sure about this one? No problem - just take this quiz again and we'll see what you get next time!

A moment of friendship!
The memory that makes your Patronus powerful is remembering some fun you had with a friend - it could be something ordinary, or something really important. It could be when you helped them, or they helped you. It's the friendship that makes your patronus so strong! Not sure about this one? No problem - just take this quiz again and we'll see what you get next time!

When you were proud of yourself!
The memory that makes your Patronus powerful comes from a time when you did a really great job of something. It could be anything - some schoolwork, a hobby, or something just for fun! The important thing is the pride in your work - because it's this that makes your Patronus so tough! Have w got this wrong? No problem - just take this quiz again and we'll see what you get next time!