What's Your Reading Super Power?
Reading is a super power and can transport you into other worlds. But what's YOUR reading super power? Take this quiz and we'll tell you in a matter of seconds!
Reading is a great way to pass the time, to relax, to learn and to disappear into a mind-film for an hour or two. It really is a super power! But like superheroes' powers, the skill and enjoyment of reading can reveal actual super powers! To find out what your super power is, simply answer these 10 questions about books and what you enjoy reading. The answers will be fed into our special computer and it'll quietly burp out the answer for you!

Look at a pile of books in your mind. What do you feel like reading first?

How often do you go to the library?

How do you like to read?

How many books do you read in a year, do you think?

What's your favourite thing about reading?

What's the most important thing about a story?

What's your favourite thing you've learned from a book?

What's your least favourite thing about reading?

Pick a word which Shakespeare made up!

If you were to become an author when you're grown up, what kind of books would you write?

Your reading super power is: SPEEDY READING!
Everyone reads at a different pace and there's no correct speed. You read the way you want. But it seems that your super power is speed reading. You can skim a page in seconds and will be able to recount the important bits. How awesome is that?

Your reading super power is: AMAZING MEMORY!
Your mind is like a sponge and soaks up trivia. You can read a book and simply remember all the important facts. This is a great skill and will prove very handy for exams in the future! It's also excellent when it comes to doing quizzes on Beano.com!

Your reading super power is: EMPATHY!
When reading a story, you're able to identify the emotions a character may be experiencing or displaying. This super power will help you understand the types of decisions they make and the reasons behind them.

Your reading super power is: PROBLEM SOLVING!
When reading a mystery, your mind is able to piece together the stories and work out what each character has done. You're like a spy or detective with heightened powers of deduction!