Which Abominable Snowmenace Character Are You?
Which one of The Abominable Snowmenace characters are you? Hope it’s not the farting Yeti! Take the quiz inspired by our awesome new book and find out now!

How would your teacher describe you?

What would a movie about your life be?

What kind of room would you have in your dream house?

What's your favourite app?

Which of these things could you never live without?

What's your favourite food?

What is your greatest strength?

What do you value most in your friends?

It's your birthday – what do you do to celebrate?

You see this sign first thing in the morning. How do you feel?

You are: DENNIS!
You're King Blam of Beanotown who loves skateboarding, playing loud music and generally having fun!

You are: VITO!
Vito – or to use her full name, Maria Vittoria – is energetic, fearless and kind to the planet!

You are: BETTY!
You're Betty Bhu, who's always up for fun and can speak Nepalese, which is pretty handy when chatting to a Yeti.

You're a Yeti – a big, furry beast who loves to let out massive farts! Which is quite abominable if you think about it.