Which Weird Wizarding Snack Would You Actually Love to Eat?
It’s time for a snack break with this food-themed Potter personality quiz! Are you something sweet – or something decidedly unsavoury?
The best part of the wizarding world is DEFINITELY the snacks! If you’ve ever read the books and found your mouth watering, this is the quiz for you! Will your result be something delicious – or maybe something unusual? And don’t forget to try our other Potter quizzes when you’re done! Why not see how much you know about the food of the Potterverse, or perhaps discover what your Patronus would be?

Which House are you in?

Choose a magical artefact!

And another!

Which pet in the series is your favourite?

Who’s your favourite teacher at Hogwarts?

Which wizarding shop sounds the most delicious?

Choose a spell!

Which department at the Ministry of Magic would you work for?

What position would you play in Quidditch?

What would your wand core be?

Chocolate frog!
It’s a classic for a reason, and you’d just love to sink your teeth into it! Chocolate frogs are tasty, help you feel better, and you get a Wizard Card, too! They would definitely be a little strange to eat, though (do they still hop when they're in your stomach???)!

Pumpkin pasty!
These delicious snacks sound SO appealing whenever they appear in the books, and you’d love to try one! There's no word on what they actually taste like in the books – maybe they're sweet like pumpkin pie, or savoury like a veggie samosa? You could look up a recipe online and make your dreams come true!

In the Wizarding World butterbeer is everyone’s favourite beverage, and you just wish you could try some! It’s available to buy in real life at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter lands at Universal Studios, but if that’s a bit out of your budget, you can always look up a recipe online and make your own!

Cockroach clusters!
You’re a little unusual, so maybe you’d actually enjoy these weird wizard treats! To be fair, the book never describes what they actually taste like – maybe they’re delicious!