Would You Pass Defence Against The Dark Arts?
Are you ready for your defence against the dark arts exam? We hope so, because here it is! Answer some magical questions and see whether you'll pass!
Do you have what it takes to defeat You-Know-Who? Well, maybe not, but hopefully you at least have what it takes to pass this Defence Against the Dark Arts exam! So find your best quill and get going! Good luck!

How's your patronus looking?

Have you read all of Gilderoy Lockharts books?

What should you do if you meet a grindylow?

What is your boggart?

What should you do if you see a squib?

How good are your non verbal spells?

Pick a job

What's your best defensive spell?

What would you do if you met a hinkypunk?

Are you ready to face You-Know-Who?

Outstanding! You're practically ready to take on You-Know-Who himself! Maybe you should consider a career as an auror? You're definitely ready for it!

Exceeds Expectations!
Looks like you've studied hard and can easily pass this exam! Nice job! For extra credit, you can always help Professor Lupin look after some of the weirder creatures he has in the classroom!

Oh dear, looks like somebody didn't study very hard. Either that or your strong point is another subject - herbology perhaps? Never mind, you did your best and that's what counts!

Hmmm, looks like you haven't even been in class your results are so low! Did you even turn up for the exam? It's obvious you hate this subject, but don't worry, that means you can drop it after this year! Phew!