Tell Us Your Favourite Blackpink Song And We'll Tell Which Sonic Character You Are
We’ve all got our favourite songs - but what does yours say about you?!
Music says a lot about a person, and can lift even the darkest of moods, but what will your choice of Blackpink song say about your spirit hedgehog?! That’s right, we all have a spirit hedgehog, but now it’s time to find yours, so what are you waiting for?! Let’s give it a go!

Which member of Blackpink is your favourite?

Choose a song!

Which Emoji shows how much you love DDU-DU-DDU-DU?

Which song do you like most?

Which of these rabbits reminds you most of Blackpink?

Who do you prefer to collab with Blackpink?

Which song do you NOT like?

Which song has the best music video?

Choose a favourite song from this list!

Which song gets you ready for the day?

Nice, you’ve got the most in common with the main Hog Sonic themselves! Sonic likes things fast, and that’s probably why you’ve got this result, because you do too, at least when you’re not tired! What a result! Why not have a look on the site and see if there are any other quizzes that take your fancy?

Dr Eggman!
Pow! You’ve got Dr Eggman! It’s a silly name, but Dr Eggman is anything but silly! They often use their skills and quills for evil - now the evil bit is nothing like you, but Dr Eggman definitely knows what they want and just how to get it - just like you! Don’t forget though, if you don’t really like this result, you can always go back and try again, we’ll let you have a doo-over!

Awesome, you’ve got Tails! This character is Sonic’s bestie and even though he got picked on for having two tails when he was growing up, he got through it and came out the other side stronger! Just like you, your choices of Blackpink songs show that you’ve got the strength to get through anything! Nice!

Great! You’ve got Amy Rose! Amy is one of the most competitive of all the Sonic characters, which is probably why you’ve got this result! You like things to be right, and to get the praise for a job well done! You like your music to be well produced and to give you the energy you need too - sounds pretty good to me!