Blackpink: The Ultimate Rosé Quiz!
How much do YOU know about Blackpink's Rosé? Fancy yourself as an expert? Then take the quiz and test your skills!
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What is Rosé’s real name?
Rosé is the tallest member of Blackpink. True or false?
What year was Rosé born?
What is Rosé's favourite pizza?
What is Rosé's favourite colour?
Rosé LOVES Hot Cheetos. True or false?
What star sign is Rosé?
Who is Rosé's favourite Disney princess?
Apart from Korean, which other languages can Rosé speak?
Where was Rosé born?
Oh dear! It seems you may need to brush up on your Rosé trivia! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?
Not so hot! While not the worst score in the world, you could do better! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?
Pretty good! While not an absolutely FLAWLESS score, you certainly know your Rosé trivia! Good job!
Amazing! You got a PERFECT score! There's no doubt about it - you're a true Rosé fan and you've certainly earned your Blackpink superfan stripes. Fantastic result, well done!