Khaby Lame Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Him?
How much do you know about Khaby and his crazy Tik Tok videos and his record breaking views? Take out ultimate Khaby quiz and see if your his number one expert!
Since starting on Tik Tok in 2020, Khaby has gained millions of followers with his funny, silent reaction videos! Check out our ultimate Khaby quiz and see just what you know about the funniest guy on Tik Tok! And if you want more, why not try our other Tik Tok Quizzes? We've also got these Ultimate Tik Tok Challenges, as well as this Epic Addison Rae Quiz!

What's Khaby's birthday?

What is Khaby known for?

What does he do on Tik Tok?

Where is Khaby from?

Where did he grow up?

How many Tik Tok followers does he have?

True or false - he's the second most followed Tik Tok account in the world?

Which sports does he play?

Which football team does he support?

Where does Khaby live now?

When did Khaby start posting Tik Tok videos?

How many likes has Khaby had on Tik Tok?

How many Instagram followers does he have?

What's Khaby's starsign?

What did he do before he got famous?

True or false: Khaby can speakmore than one language?

How many subs does he have on YouTube?

What's Khaby's real name?

What makes Khaby's videos stand out?

How often does he post to Tik Tok?

Amazing! You know Khaby better than anyone, and you obviously love his hilarious videos! Nice one!

Well done! You're a big Khaby fan, and sometimes you shrug with your hands out, because you know just how he feels!

Not bad - you know a bit about Khaby (How could you miss him?!) but we know you can do better! Have another go!

Oh no! Looks like you need to brush up on your Khaby knowledge! But that's ok, it's just an excuse to watch loads more of his hilarious videos and try again!