Guess the Celeb From The Zoomed In Face
Sure, most people can name a famous celebrity by looking at their face. But how well will you do when it's zoomed in?
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We bet you know loads of celebrities just from looking at them - but what if there face is just a bunch of splodges and pixels? Only a TRUE fan would know who it was! So test yourself with this awesome quiz...

Who's got a nose like this? Hint - they're the England men's football captain!

Who's this famous YouTuber?

Who's the owner of this shiny dome? The eyebrow is a clue!

Do you recognise this person?

Who's got these eyes and that fringe?

You might have seen this guy on YouTube!

Oh! It's another bald man. But who is it?

Who's this chap?

Which Olympian owns this chin?

Who might this be?

Which super-famous Tiktok star is this?

Can you tell who this person is from the cropped photo?

@lilnasx | instagram
Who could this be?

Which sci-fi TV star is this?

Who is this half a person? Hint - she's quite well known on British TV...

Who's this pop star?

Ok - this one's a bit different. Who's face is this?

Who's this England football legend?

@bts.bighitofficial | instagram
Which member of BTS is this?

Which celebrity is this?

@hamillhimself | instagram
Which gnarled Jedi has this chin?

Which singer do these eyes belong to?

@gretathunberg | instagram
Who's this?

Who do these eyes belong to?

@oliviarodrigo | instagram
Here's a tricky one! Can you tell who this is just from the mouth?

Oh dear! You don't seem to know who's who - Maybe you should have another go!

Adele | Press
Good try! Why don't you have another go and try to get a bigger score?

Stormzy | Press
Great! You know your celebrity faces! Why not try again and aim for an even better score!

DanTDM | YouTube
Awesome! It looks like we've got a celebrity face expert on our hands - what a top spotter you are!