Taylor Swift Squad Quiz
Can you achieve your squad goals? Find out how much you know about Taylor Swift's Swift Squad!
What is "The Swift Squad"?
Which member of the Swift Squad used to be in The Wizards of Waverly Place?
Which member of the Swift Squad is famous for her eyebrows
Which member played Homeslice in the Taylor Swift video "Bad Blood"
Which member of the Swift Squad is a computer programmer
Which member of the Swift Squad dated smooth-chinned crooner, Zayn Malik?
Which member of the Swift Squad is married to the beard rockin' lead singer of Kings of Leon?
Which member of the Swift Squad has won several Emmy’s and Golden Globes for her work as an actor, writer, and producer?
You don't know who Taylor Swift is do you? Never mind, shake it off and come back stronger. (That's a Taylor Swift gag by the way)
You know what the Swift Squad is, but if you're angling to be in the next Swift Squad music video, you might need to do some more research. And swiftly (Haha!)
You are so in the Swift Squad I think I recognise you from the Bad Blood video.