The Ultimate Beatles Quiz!
Ob-La-Di or Ob-La-Da? Is YOUR Yellow Submarine ready to emerge victorious? Test your skills with the ultimate Beatles quiz!
Let It Be a great quiz...

@TheBeatles | Twitter
What is the name of The Beatles' best selling single?

What was The Beatles album 'Revolver' nearly called?

How many times did The Beatles play in Liverpool at The Cavern Club?

Who was the only Beatle on the cover of the Abbey Road album not wearing shoes?

@TheBeatles | Twitter
Which Beatles song begins with the lyric "In the town where I was born..."?

What inspired the song 'Strawberry Fields Forever'?

'Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!' is a song from which classic Beatles album?

@TheBeatles | Twitter
What was The Beatles longest single at 7 minutes 15 seconds?

What was their short-lived band name between The Quarrymen and The Beatles?

Who was the original bassist in The Beatles?

Amazing! You got a PERFECT score! You are without doubt a bona fide Beatles expert... you are most certainly The Walrus. An incredible result, well done!

Pretty good! While not a totally PERFECT score, you certainly know your Beatles trivia. An impressive result, good job!

Not so hot! While not the worst score in the world it seems you may need to brush up on your Beatles trivia! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

Oh dear! It seems you may need to brush up on your Beatles trivia! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?