The Ultimate DanTDM Quiz
DanTD-what? Take our DanTDM quiz and find out how much you know about this awesome YouTuber!
Ready? Let's get started with our DanTDM quiz...

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
Starting off easy... What colour is Dan's hair (usually)?

@dantdm | Twitter
DanTDM plays a lot of games, but which is he most famous for?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
What does TDM stand for?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
What's the name of the Villager that often appears in Dan's videos?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
What kind of animal is Dan's friend Grim?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
What special power does Grim have?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
Who introduced Minecraft to DanTDM?
8/19 What instrument can Dan play?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
What job does Dan's character Craig have?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
What is Dan's username when he's playing Roblox?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
Which of these isn't a title of one of Dan's videos?

dantdm | Twitter
What kind of dogs does DanTDM keep as pets?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
Which of these isn't a real quote from Dan?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
In Dan TDM's new YouTube series Dan Creates a Big Scene, what kind of facial hair does Dan's evil twin have?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
When Dan tries out the Minecraft Surgeon Simulator, which famous American does he operate on?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
What is DanTDM's real name?
17/19 What phobia (fear) has DanTDM got?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
DanTDM is in the Guinness Book of World Records. What's the name of his record?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
Which part of the UK does Dan come from?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
Ooooh. Have you actually heard of DanTDM?

TheDiamondMinecart | YouTube
Not great - but could be worse. Have another go?

Pretty good! You must be a subscriber!

Great job! You're a pro!

Amazing! Are you actually DanTDM? Because that would be cheating.