10 Question Christmas Traditions Quiz!
How much do you know about the many different Christmas traditions from around the world? Put your Crimble skills to the test with this festive quiz!
There's plenty of Christmas traditions that most of us are familiar with - decorating your tree, opening presents (yay!) or sending out cards to loved ones - but there's a whole caboodle of cool Crimbo traditions from all around the world! How well do you know them? Take the quiz to test your festive knowledge! For more Christmas quizzery be sure to check out our Funny Christmas Quiz or our chucklesome Christmas Would You Rather Quiz!

Let's start easy! What dish is a traditional Christmas dinner in the UK?

What giant traditional Swedish Christmas symbol gets created in straw each year?

What is 'Ligligan Parul' - a festival organised by the city of San Fernando in the Philippines each year to celebrate Christmas?

What do Icelandic children traditionally do the night before Christmas?

What is 'Paivi Niemi' in Finland?

What do many Irish people put in their front windows at Christmas time?

What is traditionally served for Christmas dinner in Barbados?

What do Dutch people call Santa Claus?

What do people hide on Christmas Eve in Norway?

How do the residents of Caracas, Venezuela head to church on Christmas Eve?

Amazing! You got a PERFECT score! Even Santa himself would agree that's a walnut-crackingly good result. Well done!

Pretty Good! Not quite the star at the top of the tree, but a cracker-tuggingly fab festive result nonetheless! Well done!

Not so hot! While not a total turkey, it seems you may need to concentrate a little harder if you want to ace this quiz! Why not try again and improve your score?

Oh dear! More of a jive turkey than a Christmas cracker! Never mind... Why not retake the quiz and improve your score?