Are You A Good Santa?
If the most important job in the world fell to you, how would you do it?
It’s a tough job, but it’s honest work! Travelling at break-neck speed around the globe dropping off presents to every single person isn’t an easy task. But if you had to do it, if the mission was yours, what kind of Santa would you be? Why not take this quiz and find out for yourself!

What is your favourite colour?

A child has been misbehaving all year, what do they get for Christmas?

One of the reindeer has gone missing - what animal do you use instead?

You find a house without a chimney, how do you get in?

What is your favourite Christmas food?

It’s snowing, what extra bit of clothing do you bring?

You’ve lost all of the presents for the whole of Europe, what single gift do you give them all instead?

You’ve gotten lost somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, how do you find your way?

The elves have made way too many presents, what do you do with the extras?

You’re giving the world's first Santa interview, how do you start?

Generous Santa!
Nice! According to your results, you’d be a great Santa! You’d easily make it to all of the houses in the whole world, and on top of that, somehow you've been able to carry extra gifts for everyone! Even if they haven’t been good this year, you’ve thrown a few extra little treats in there! As Santa, you’re just like you are in real life, a kind soul who is willing to give their friends whatever they need! Nice!

Hungry Santa!
Awesome! It goes without saying that you’re a good Santa, nobody gets missed out and everyone gets what they deserve. But just like the real you, if there is a snack on offer you’re going to take it! You’d be the kind of Santa that finds the cookies and milk, then finds the pack they came from! You gotta take one for the road right?!

Slow Santa!
Nice! Okay, so nobody could complain about the quality of gifts you bring, you always give people what they deserve and want, except you’re a bit on the late side! If you were Santa you’d be more likely to turn up on Boxing Day! But that’s alright, hopefully people will forget by next year?

Grumpy Santa!
Wow! Okay, looking at your results, it seems you’re a bit of a grinch! Maybe you wouldn’t be the best person to take on Santa’s role! For you, it doesn’t seem as though presents are even on the cards, its coal or nothing! Oh dear! It doesn’t seem to matter how good you’ve been, the only thing in your sleigh is disappointment - maybe Halloween is more your season?