Can You Guess Which Christmas Food Facts Are True?
How much do you know about Christmas food and its history? Let's find out with this Christmas food true or false quiz! Can you guess them all?
It's the most wonderful time of the year! And one of the best bits is...the food! But how much do you really know about what you eat at Christmas? Let's find out with this trivia quiz! Answer some questions about Christmas food and its history and see how you do! And if you're still in the festive spirit, we've got more Christmas stuff here! How about this ultimate Christmas 2023 trivia quiz? Or maybe you fancy this unusual Christmas quiz? You might even be in the mood for this Christmas geography quiz!

True or false: mince pies used to contain real meat?

True or false: People used to eat the holly they put on Christmas puddings?

True or false: Henry VIII used to enjoy eating turkey?

True or false: Bread sauce is a very British Christmas dish?

True or false: In Japan they eat McDonalds on Christmas day?

True or false: Oliver Cromwell banned mince pies?

True or false: Britons will eat 250 million sprouts this xmas?

True or false: It's bad luck to eat any Christmas food after the 25th?

True or false: the Georgians used to eat turtle soup at Christmas?

True or false: Celebrations are the most popular chocolate tin at Christmas?

Uh oh! You didn't manage to get any Christmassy food questions right! Better luck next time!

You know a little bit about Christmas food, but you'll need to do better than that to ace this quiz! Try again!

Nice! You obviously love Christmas and all the trimmings! But can you get 10/10 next time?

Wahoo! It's official, you know more about Christmas food than anyone else, even Santa! Congrats!